Shellie’s Substack
Modern Day Detox with Keith Eisenhuth

Modern Day Detox with Keith Eisenhuth

Keith Eisenhuth joins me on this episode of Create.Life.Vision. Keith blogs at where he shares information on healing the mind, body, and spirit, as well as offers health coaching. He has a compelling story of traversing the darkness to find a place of true healing.  We had a fun and eye-opening discussion about all things detox. He also wanted me to ensure I mentioned to use a binder (charcoal, bentonite clay, etc) in addition to what we discussed for proper detox. You can download his 5 page Foundation of Detoxification and Healing PDF for Free on his website and follow him @moderndaydetox on IG.

Also, thank you so much for giving your time and attention to my podcast! If you find value, please review, share, and subscribe!


Shellie @createlifevision

Shellie’s Substack
Create.Life.Vision. is for people who want to create their lives from a conscious place. The show focuses on health and well-being, as well as the neural underpinnings of visualization, creativity, spirituality, manifestation. I interview experts and share from my personal knowledge base about how to create what you really desire in life. I look forward to sharing with you! xoxo, Shellie